Real estate tips for homeowners, home sellers and home buyers

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Thinking about downsizing, here are some reasons to make the move!

The Many Reasons People Want to Sell Their Homes and Downsize 🏡➡️🏢

Downsizing has become a popular trend for many homeowners, and for good reasons. Whether it's for financial benefits, lifestyle changes, or the desire for less maintenance, downsizing can offer a fresh start and new opportunities. Let’s explore the various reasons why people are choosing to sell their homes and embrace a simpler, more convenient lifestyle. 📉🏠

1. Financial Freedom 💸

One of the primary motivations for downsizing is to achieve financial freedom. By moving to a smaller home, you can significantly reduce your mortgage payments, utility bills, and maintenance costs. This extra money can be used for other important aspects of life, such as traveling, investing, or simply enjoying a more comfortable retirement.

2. Less Maintenance and Upkeep 🛠️

Large homes require constant upkeep, from lawn care to repairs and cleaning. Downsizing to a smaller home or a condo means less time spent on maintenance and more time for leisure activities. Imagine not having to worry about mowing the lawn or fixing that leaky roof!

3. Embracing Minimalism ✨

Many people are drawn to the minimalist lifestyle, which emphasizes living with less and focusing on what truly matters. Downsizing forces you to declutter and keep only the essentials, leading to a more organized and peaceful living environment.

4. Improved Accessibility and Convenience ♿

As people age, mobility can become an issue. Moving to a smaller, single-story home or an apartment with elevators can make daily living much easier and safer. Additionally, living closer to urban centers can provide better access to healthcare, shopping, and entertainment.

5. More Time for Hobbies and Travel ✈️

With less house to maintain, you’ll have more time to enjoy your hobbies and travel. Whether you love gardening, painting, or exploring new places, downsizing can free up your schedule and allow you to pursue your passions.

6. Environmental Impact 🌍

Smaller homes typically have a smaller environmental footprint. They consume less energy, use fewer resources, and produce less waste. By downsizing, you contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle and help protect the environment.

7. Simplified Lifestyle 🧘

Downsizing can lead to a simpler, more stress-free life. Without the burden of managing a large home, you can focus on enjoying life and spending time with loved ones. A simpler home often translates to a simpler, more fulfilling lifestyle.

8. Financial Security for Retirement 🏖️

Many retirees find that downsizing helps stretch their retirement savings further. The money saved from selling a larger home can be invested or used to enhance their quality of life during retirement. It’s a practical step towards ensuring financial stability in later years.


Downsizing offers numerous benefits, from financial freedom and less maintenance to improved accessibility and a simplified lifestyle. It’s a decision that allows many to focus on what truly matters and enjoy life to the fullest. If you’re considering selling your home and downsizing, think about the positive changes it can bring to your life. 🌟

When is it a good time to buy or sell your home?

I just read a comment from a former Realtor, now a real estate mentor. In her comment, she mentions how she is driven crazy when a Realtor posts, “It is always a good time to buy or sell!”

She makes the point that it all depends on each person’s current situation, and I agree. It is not always the best time for a person to buy or sell, and as a Realtor, it is incumbent on us, when someone reaches out, to determine what their current situation is, and each situation, even if it may be similar to someone else’s, is unique. There are many factors to consider. It may not be a good time for them.

I get what some Realtors mean when they write that “It is always a good time to buy or sell!” I believe what they are trying to say is, that throughout the year, there is no bad time to buy or sell. There was a time that it was always best to sell during the spring market, which was late March to mid-June.  That was when there were many buyers out looking.

While it is true that more homes do sell during the spring market, the spring market is now starting before spring officially starts and depending on weather, it can be very busy! The spring market does also tend to drift into the summer, which unlike many years ago, is still a pretty solid market. There are still times when there are competing offers.

Each season brings some challenges. If you are selling your home, and decide to list in the spring, you have the challenge that many homeowners are doing the same, so you face heightened competition (this hasn't been the case in recent years due to a lack of available homes). Summers are a slower time to sell, folks are on vacation and less people are out buying.

The market does tend to pick up in the fall, and then taper off into December and into February. That was the time, as it was, and may still be with buying antiques, that with less buyer competition, you may be able to negotiate a better price. In recent years, the market is still fairly robust in December and January.

All that said, there are other factors involved with the market. Here in Ottawa, even before Covid, we have had a lack of available homes on the market, pushing home buyers into competitive, multiple offer situations, driving up prices. It does not help that every level of government has gotten way behind in new home construction.

I have had people tell me recently, that they are waiting for the fall to buy, when the Bank of Canada cuts the key lending rate again. There is no guarantee this will happen.  Here is the thing, interest rates are a factor for sure when buying a home. People still buy homes when interest rates are higher. When I bought my first home, I paid 12.25%, during the recession of the 1980’s.

What is more of a factor here in Ottawa is the lack of available homes. So, let’s just say that the Bank of Canada does in fact lower the key interest rate another .25 % or even .50%. If the number of available homes remains the same as today, and the majority of buyers also wait for the rate drop, you now have more buyers competing for those homes, which will result in more competitive, multiple offer situations, driving up the prices, so whatever gain was made with the lower interest rate, is countered by the increase you will have to pay for that home, which potentially, you may have been able to purchase for less had you bought now.

Another consideration is, if you are pre-approved now, the lender will hold the interest rate for you for up to 120 days, depending on the lender. That means that while you are looking during that period, and interest rates go up, you will not be affected, you will have the rate that was given at the time of the pre-approval. However, if the rate goes down, you will get the lower rate.


You would have to verify with your lender to see, if they offer this: Let’s say you buy your home now in July, and the possession date, the day you take ownership, is in late September. Your lender still may give you the rate at the time of possession, if it is lower than the rate at the time the offer was accepted, and the sale became firm. If it is within the rate holding period. This would help you avoid potentially higher competition for the home, and still benefit from the better interest rate!

So, all this to say, there are many factors to consider when exploring the idea of potentially selling or buying your home. That begins and ends with your unique personal situation.

Find a Realtor who asks questions, listens attentively, answers your questions, then presents you with options based on your responses, and lets you decide if you wish to proceed.  Someone who will respect your decision and does not try to persuade you to sell or buy. If you would be more comfortable, have a family member or close friend with you. If you do not want to buy or sell, no one should be attempting to persuade you to change your mind! You should never feel pressured or rushed, even if you already wanted to, or do decide to sell, you should not be rushed into having your home on the market. Take the time you need.

Note: If someone knocks on your door, and asks if you are thinking of selling your home and you say no. They should simply thank you for your time and be on their merry way. They should not attempt to persuade you that you should sell! I was told of this happening recently to a woman in her late 70’s and it was definitely not in her best interest. You should be the one initiating the conversation, not the other way around.

The value of having a pre-inspection when selling your home
🏡 Why a Pre-Inspection Could Be Your Secret Weapon for Selling Your Home Fast! 🔍💨

Selling your home? 🏡 Consider a pre-inspection before listing! 🔍 A pre-inspection helps identify potential issues, giving you the chance to fix them beforehand. This proactive step can speed up the sale process, as buyers appreciate transparency and are more likely to make quicker decisions. It also gives you leverage in negotiations, reducing the risk of last-minute surprises that could derail the deal. Plus, it builds trust with potential buyers, showing that you’ve taken good care of your home. Whether it’s plumbing, roofing, or electrical, addressing problems early can increase your home’s value and marketability. Don’t let hidden issues hold you back—get a pre-inspection and sell with confidence! 🏠🔧 Pre-Inspections are included with my listing services. 

Discover why a mortgage pre-approval is your secret weapon!

The Benefits of Obtaining a Mortgage Pre-Approval 🏡💰

If you're considering buying a home in Ontario, one of the most crucial steps you can take early in the process is obtaining a mortgage pre-approval. A pre-approval offers several benefits that can help streamline your home-buying journey and provide you with a competitive edge in the housing market.

1. Understanding Your Budget 💵

A mortgage pre-approval gives you a clear picture of how much you can afford to borrow. By providing your lender with financial documents such as income verification, credit history, and debt information, you’ll receive a specific loan amount that you qualify for. This helps you narrow down your home search to properties within your budget, saving you time and energy.

2. Increased Bargaining Power 💪

Having a pre-approval letter shows sellers that you are a serious and qualified buyer. In competitive markets like Ontario, this can be a significant advantage. Sellers are more likely to consider offers from pre-approved buyers because it indicates financial readiness and reduces the risk of the deal falling through due to financing issues.

3. Locking in Interest Rates 📉

Interest rates can fluctuate, and securing a pre-approval can lock in your rate for a set period (typically 60 to 120 days). This can protect you from potential rate increases while you search for your home. Knowing your interest rate in advance also allows you to budget more accurately for your monthly mortgage payments. In some cases, if the rates go down, you will get that lower rate.

4. Speeding Up the Closing Process 🚀

Since a large part of the mortgage application process is completed during pre-approval, the time required to finalize the loan once you’ve found a home is significantly reduced. This can make the closing process faster and smoother, which is appealing to sellers looking for a quick sale.

5. Highlighting Financial Issues Early 🔍

During the pre-approval process, lenders thoroughly review your financial situation. If there are any issues with your credit score, debt levels, or income that could impact your ability to secure a mortgage, you will find out early. This allows you to address these issues before you start house hunting, improving your chances of final approval.

6. Providing Peace of Mind 😊

Knowing that you are pre-approved for a mortgage provides peace of mind. It allows you to focus on finding the perfect home without worrying whether you’ll be able to secure the necessary financing. This assurance can make the home-buying experience less stressful and more enjoyable.

Steps to Obtain a Mortgage Pre-Approval 📝

To obtain a mortgage pre-approval in Ontario, follow these steps:

  1. Gather Your Financial Documents 📂: Collect proof of income (pay stubs, tax returns), credit history, identification, and details of your assets and liabilities.
  2. Choose a Lender 🏦: Research and choose a lender or mortgage broker who offers competitive rates and terms.
  3. Complete the Application 🖋: Fill out the pre-approval application and submit your financial documents.
  4. Await Approval ✅: The lender will review your application and documents, and if everything is in order, they will issue a pre-approval letter stating the loan amount you qualify for.

Conclusion 🎯

Obtaining a mortgage pre-approval is a strategic step that offers numerous benefits for home buyers in Ontario. It not only helps you understand your budget and strengthens your offer but also locks in your interest rate, speeds up the closing process, and identifies potential financial issues early on. By taking this step, you position yourself as a serious and prepared buyer, ready to navigate the competitive Ontario housing market with confidence.

For more information on mortgage pre-approvals, visit the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) or consult with your preferred lender.

If you do not have a preferred mortgage specialist, please let me know. I am happy to provide a few specialists. 

Is the Psychology of Change Holding You Back?

Psychologists say that maintaining the "status quo" is one of our strongest motivations. Even when things are just "okay," making a positive change can be challenging because our brains resist. 

If you've ever considered selling your current home to find your dream house, you might have felt this. Your current home and neighborhood might seem "good enough," making you hesitant to move, even if a better home would suit your family and lifestyle more. This also applies to buying your first home.

This is just how our psychology works.

To overcome this, try putting your dream on paper. Write down the type of home you'd love to move into, such as a detached home with three bedrooms in a family-friendly neighborhood. Include specific features you want, like a spacious backyard, a family-sized kitchen, and a convenient commute to work. Seeing these details on paper can help you visualize the possibilities.

Next, determine if this move is feasible right now. Avoid assumptions and get the facts. Speak with a Realtor and Mortgage Specialist. Find out how much your current property is worth and what it would cost to buy your dream home.

If you discover that moving is possible this year, your hesitation might disappear!
Planning Your Home Maintenance Budget: Essential Tips and Guidelines

How Much Should You Budget for Home Maintenance? 

If you own a car, you're probably aware that ownership costs extend beyond just loan payments and fuel. You also need to budget for maintenance and repairs, which can be more expensive for older vehicles. The same principle applies to your home. It's important to budget for expected repairs and maintenance to avoid surprises.


Experts suggest setting aside 1% of your home's value each year for maintenance. For instance, if your home is worth $500,000, you should budget $5,000 annually. This is a general guideline, and if your home is older, you might need to allocate more.


Another approach is to budget $1 per square foot. So, for a 2,500 square foot home, you should set aside $2,500. Again, this amount should be higher for older homes.


When planning your budget, consider items that might need replacing in the next three years, such as roof shingles, furnace, air conditioning unit, deck, fence, plumbing, and windows. For example, a new air conditioning unit can cost around $4,000, depending on the size, model and efficiency. Planning for such expenses can help you avoid unexpected financial stress.


Remember, budgeting for repairs and maintenance doesn’t mean you’ll spend that money every year. However, having the budget available provides peace of mind, knowing you're prepared for any necessary expenses.

To stay or move? 5 questions to consider:

Stay or Move? 🤔 5 Questions to Help You Decide 🏡

Making the decision to sell your home can be tough and overwhelming. If you're considering a move and struggling with the decision, here are five helpful questions to ask yourself:

  1. “What is your practical reason for selling?”

    • Consider what you’ll gain by moving to a new home. Is it a bigger backyard, a shorter commute to work, an extra bedroom, or a more desirable neighborhood? 🌳🚗🏠
  2. “What are your emotional reasons for selling?”

    • Think about how you’ll feel living in a new home. Will you feel safer, less cramped, less worried (better local schools), or happier (shorter commute means more time with family)? 😊🏫💖
  3. “What type of new home can you afford?”

    • Determine how much you’ll get from selling your current home and the mortgage you qualify for. This will give you a price range to comfortably shop within and an idea of your future mortgage payments. 💲🏦
  4. “In what ways will your lifestyle be better in a new home?”

    • Envision your life in a new home. Will you spend Saturday afternoons relaxing in a bigger backyard or Sunday nights entertaining friends and family in a larger living room? 🌅🍽️
  5. “What else do you need to know before you decide to sell and move?”

    • Address any unanswered questions about the selling and buying process. If there's anything unclear, don’t hesitate to ask me! 🤔❓

Do these questions help make the decision easier? If you need more help or want to talk about your decision, call today! 📞

What’s the “Emotional” ROI of a New Home?

What’s the “Emotional” Return on Investment of a New Home?

You've probably heard the saying, "Your home is your biggest investment." For most homeowners, that rings true. So, when you're shopping for a new home, it's crucial to consider the financial implications. Ideally, you want a home that will appreciate over time—a strong potential return on investment.

However, dollars aren’t the only type of return to look for in a new home. Real estate is unique because the "emotional" return can be just as significant as the financial one, if not more so.

Imagine you're considering moving to a neighborhood closer to work. You’ll save an hour on your commute each day. Financially, this might not seem like much beyond some gas savings. But emotionally, the payoff is huge. Think about what you could do with that extra hour—spend more time with your kids, hit the gym, or simply relax.

When you're moving, considering the emotional return on investment is essential. It greatly impacts your lifestyle and enjoyment of the property.

So, how do you factor this in when selling your property and searching for your next dream home? When you find a home you like, list all the emotional benefits of living there. This list might include having a nearby park, being closer to friends or family, having a proper home office, or more space for a growing family.

Then, factor that list into your decision-making process.

Cutting Down the Time it Takes to Prepare your Home For Sale

Ways of Cutting Down the Time it Takes to Prepare your Home For Sale

If you're thinking about listing your property, you might be worried about getting your home ready for sale. You might wonder how much work it will be. Will it take months, weeks, or just a few days?

This depends on your property's condition.

However, no matter how close your home is to being "show time" ready, there are plenty of ways to speed up the preparation. Here are some tips:

  • Sell stuff online: The less cluttered your home is, the better it will show to buyers. Make a list of items you want to sell and list them on local online market websites. Price items fairly, and you'll likely sell everything fairly quickly. Anything that is not sold, can be donated. 
  • Have a repair day: Go through your home and list everything that needs fixing. Schedule repair people to come on the same day. In one day, most, if not all, of the needed repairs will be done.
  • Get staging advice: Instead of guessing what changes you need to make to make your home look its best, get expert staging advice. This will save you time and money. (I provide a staging consultation.)
  • Ask before making big improvements: Planning to convert a wood-burning fireplace to a gas unit to help sell your home? Before doing big improvements or renovations, get advice. You don't want to spend thousands on an unnecessary project.
  • Hire help: You don't have to do everything yourself. Hire professionals like a painter, cleaner, or junk removal service. This will significantly shorten the time it takes to prepare your home for sale and save you a lot of work. The costs of these professionals might be offset by the increase in your home's sale price.

Bottom line: Preparing your home doesn't need to be overwhelming and time-consuming.

Stage a Bathroom

Professional Stagers' Bathroom Makeover Tips

There's a reason why there are dedicated "kitchen and bath" stores and design magazines focused on these rooms. A well-staged kitchen and bathroom can enhance the entire home's appeal. It's no wonder professional home stagers pay special attention to these spaces.

So, what do the pros say about staging bathrooms?

First, they suggest taking a picture of the room. Viewing your bathroom through a photo can help you see it from an outsider's perspective and identify what needs to be changed.

Next, de-personalize the space. When showing your home to buyers, you want the bathroom to look like a guest bathroom. This means removing personal items like shaving kits, toothbrushes, and sticky notes on the mirror.

Stagers also recommend replacing anything that's worn out. This often includes the shower curtain and mats, which can wear and stain quickly.

Hang fresh new towels on the rack. If you're buying new towels for staging, go with white. Place an unused bar of soap or hand cleaner next to the sink to make it look like a freshly stocked hotel bathroom.

If needed, paint the walls. Off-white colors, such as beiges and light grays, work well.

As you can see, it doesn't take much to stage your bathroom and make it look its best for potential buyers.

Looking for more staging tips?

Upsizing or Downsizing? Don’t Overdo It!

Finding Your Perfect Fit: Navigating Upsizing and Downsizing Without Going Overboard!

Picture this: you're feeling the squeeze in your sedan as your family grows, so you venture to the dealership and return with a bus. Quite the leap, unless you're expecting a small army of kids!

That's the trick with sizing up or down. You've got to tread carefully to avoid ending up with something that just doesn't fit. It's a common pitfall in real estate too. Homeowners may aim to downsize but end up feeling like they're living in a shoebox.

So, how do you steer clear of such a situation? Well, before making any moves, take a good look around your current abode. Pay attention to how you use the space. Are there areas that feel neglected while others are constantly buzzing? Maybe you're dreaming of an extra bedroom or a bigger driveway.

By analyzing your current setup, you can uncover hints about what you'll need in your next place. Perhaps all you really crave is that extra sleeping quarters or maybe you'd prefer a combined living and family area. Whether you're going up or down in size, it's crucial to pinpoint exactly what you require. Think bedrooms, entertaining spots, bathrooms, and driveway space – get specific. Doing so will set you on the path to a successful transition, no matter the direction.

Is Moving into Your Dream Neighborhood Possible?

Is Getting into your “Dream” Neighbourhood Doable?

Have you ever driven through a neighborhood and thought, "Wow, I'd love to live here. What an amazing place"?

Why not explore that idea further? Maybe you've brushed it off because it seems out of reach for now.

You might be put off by high home prices or the slim pickings on the market there. Or perhaps the thought of steeper mortgage payments is daunting.

Those are all legit worries, but why not check if they really stand in your way?

For instance, if you're curious about affording a house there, you can figure it out pretty accurately. You can:

  • Get an assessment of your current home's market value to see what you might get for it.
  • Look up the average selling price in the neighborhood you like.
  • Speak with a mortgage specialist to work out your options and your potential down payment on a new place.
  • Calculate the mortgage you'd need and what the payments would look like.

Digging into the real numbers might reveal that a dream home in that neighborhood is actually within your grasp.

So, rather than assuming it's not possible, why not get the facts first? You might be surprised to find out you can make it happen!

The Importance of Title Insurance

Chances are, if you bought a home in the last 20 years, the lender and your lawyer probably had you take Title insurance. Double check to see if you have it if you aren't sure. 

If you purchased your home more than 20 years ago, and you do not have Title Insurance, I strongly suggest that you obtain it. Especially if you own your home free and clear. 

Title insurance safeguards your stake as a property owner against potential losses stemming from defects in the property's title. It also shields you from "off-title" concerns like unpaid property taxes from the previous owner. Despite thorough examination by your lawyer, certain issues predating the title search may persist unnoticed until the policy date, posing future problems during property sales. With title insurance, however, such worries are alleviated.


Covered risks typically include existing property liens, outstanding work orders, zoning by-law violations, and lack of legal property access. Fraud, a significant risk, underscores the importance of title insurance. Nonetheless, it does not address structural or home warranty issues, foundation problems, fence locations, leaks, building code compliance, or appliance functionality.


Unlike home insurance, title insurance involves a one-time payment, lasting for the duration of property ownership. It's procured by your lawyer at the property's conveyance and remains active throughout your ownership, without annual premiums or lapses. In specific cases, it extends protection to property inheritors, such as your child. Policy coverage typically ranges between a set "floor" and "ceiling" based on the property's purchase price.


While title insurance offers comprehensive coverage, it excludes certain items like environmental concerns. It's advisable to carefully review both house and title insurance policies to understand the scope of coverage.

There could be a difference between what you read in the news, and your local market.

Why Knowing Your Local Real Estate Market Matters

When you tune in to news or updates about the real estate scene, it might feel like what you hear applies directly to your own neighborhood. But, reality check: that's not always the case. Your local real estate dynamics could be quite different from the bigger picture of the regional or national market.


Let's say the buzz in the regional real estate market peaks during specific months. That trend might also hold true for your area. However, there could be some fine print. For instance, if buyers are eagerly eyeing listings in your neck of the woods, your micro-market could sizzle faster than other parts of the region.


Understanding the nuances of your local market compared to the broader regional scene is key, especially if you're looking to sell. It helps you pinpoint the optimal time to list your property and ensures you snag a speedy sale at a sweet price. That's what we call a savvy move.


And don't overlook the importance of local market know-how when you're in buying mode. Imagine solely relying on stats from the wider region or nation without considering the unique quirks of the neighborhood you're eyeing. You might miss out on golden opportunities, and nobody wants that!


So, keep your finger on the pulse of the local real estate game. Stay updated on the latest trends and developments—it could make all the difference.

If you need to sell your home quickly, there are many things you can do to make sure that happens. Take a look:

Selling Your Home Quickly Without Sacrificing Price

Sometimes life throws curveballs, and you need to sell your home fast. Whether it's due to a job change, family dynamics, or financial reasons, there's no need to panic. You can still sell your house swiftly without slashing the price. Here's how:

1. Spruce up your place to make it move-in ready. Fix any repairs and keep everything neat and tidy.
2. Consider hiring professionals to help with preparations. It saves time and might even increase your home's value, offsetting the cost.
3. Utilize modern staging techniques to make your home irresistible to potential buyers.
4. Remove obstacles to a quick sale, like restrictive conditions. Stay flexible with closing dates to accommodate buyers.
5. Be proactive with viewings, especially in the initial stages. More exposure means more potential buyers.
6. Market your home effectively to attract qualified buyers promptly.

These tips can speed up your home sale while maintaining a good price. And remember, there are plenty of other strategies tailored to your specific situation and market conditions. Curious to learn more?  Give me a call! 613-853-5807

Helpful Tips for Packing and Moving


Whether you are packing yourself and/or getting ready for movers to come, here are some tips to help your move go smoothly.

For your safety, we recommend that you find a quiet corner in your home or make arrangements to see family or friends once the movers get started, to ensure a clear path for the movers to load the truck.

• The ideal box size is 1.0, 1.5, or 2 cubic feet for the majority of items. These boxes are still

   relatively easy to lift, even when full, and will stack well in the truck. (Using a lot of small

   boxes for regular items makes your move less efficient, potentially increasing the cost.)


• 1 cubic foot or Bankers boxes are ideal for books and personal papers.

• Make sure your boxes are packed full, in order to support the weight of other boxes that may

   be stacked on top, and ensure all boxes are properly taped and closed.


• Label boxes clearly (i.e. which room the box is going to: kitchen, bedroom, basement etc.) so

   that the movers know where to place them.


• Ensure your fragile valuables are clearly labelled so the movers know they need extra special



 • Be careful if using newsprint to pack as the ink can transfer and may be difficult to remove.

• Using your towels, linens, and pillows as packing material are idea.

• Black garbage bags are not a great packing option in case they’re mistaken for garbage and

   accidentally thrown out.


• Don’t forget to set aside and take yourself all important items that you may need during the     

   day, such as:

Keys             Wallet, purse           Medication or medical devices (hearing aids etc)

Cell phone (provide movers with an alternate contact number)              

Glasses (sunglasses)            Toiletries/hygiene products            Tablets (Ipad or Android)


How to choose the right moving company…

• Ask if they outsource any staff and equipment or are they responsible for their own staff and

   fleet of trucks. If they outsource, do they provide a Police Record Check?

• Do they have a local presence?

• Are they insured? • What is their breakage/damage percentage?

• Do they provide packing materials (paper, boxes, tape)?

• Is there a fee for the use of their wardrobe boxes or boxes for artwork?

• What other services do they offer: packing/unpacking, floor plans, picture/mirror/art hanging,

   dispersing of donations and disposal (garbage, e-waste, shredding, hazardous waste),  

   provision of estate services.


• Do they provide references?

• What do their Google reviews say?

• Do they provide a free consultation and estimate?

• Do they provide a move plan?

Thank you very much to the folks at Darling Solutions for sharing these helpful tips. To visit Darling Solutions, click the logo here How to choose a moving company, with moving and packing tips


Want to discover 7 tips to make your living room, wow, potential home buyers?

Here are 7 tips to make your living room stand out, to potential buyers:

1.    Neutralize the Colors: Opt for calming shades like beige, grey, or off-white on the walls. These colors appeal to a wider range of tastes and make the room look more spacious.

2.    Strategic Furniture Arrangement: Arrange your furniture away from the walls to create cozy conversation areas. Clear pathways ensure easy navigation and make the room feel more open.

3.    Invest in Statement Pieces: Splurge on a few eye-catching items like a stylish coffee table, an elegant sofa, or a striking rug. These pieces elevate the overall look and feel of the room.

4.    Add Texture: Incorporate soft throws, plush pillows, or a textured rug to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

5.    Minimize Electronics: While the TV may be a focal point, consider minimizing its presence during showings. Conceal it with a tasteful cabinet or decorative screen.

6.    Bring in Greenery: Potted plants, succulents, or fresh flowers can add a touch of freshness and vitality to the room.

7.    Thoughtful Accessories: Less is more when it comes to accessories. Choose a few carefully curated pieces like decorative bowls, coffee table books, or elegant candlesticks to add personality without overwhelming the space.

By following these tips, you can make your living room look fantastic and appealing to potential buyers. Want more tips on selling your home faster and for top dollar? Get in touch today!

Should you consider purchasing a home that needs major work?

Should You Buy a Property that May Need Expensive Repairs or Upgrades?

Picture yourself hunting for a new home and stumbling upon a listing that looks like a dream come true. It's nestled in a fantastic neighborhood, checks off all the boxes on your "must-have" list, and you can totally envision yourself settling in there.

But, there's a catch. There are a couple of pretty serious maintenance issues that are likely to rear their heads in the next year or two. Think roof shingles that desperately need replacing, the furnace will need replacing, or some areas need a major facelift.

Sure, those fixes aren't going to come cheap. So, does that mean you should just move on and forget about making an offer?

Not necessarily. While snagging a home that's move-in ready or close to it is tempting, there are perks to snagging a property that needs a bit of TLC. Depending on how the market's behaving, a home with these issues might be priced lower compared to similar properties. That means the cash you save upfront can go towards fixing things up. Plus, since other buyers might be put off by the same issues, you might face less competition.

Of course, you've got to balance these advantages against the estimated cost of the repairs and upgrades. Do you have enough room in your budget to tackle these when the time comes? How much are we talking about here?

(Usually, you can get a ballpark figure for the cost of these fixes before you even think about making an offer.)

Speak to your mortgage specialist and ask about a mortgage plus improvements. It may be possible to obtain this mortgage and have the work done once you take possession and before you move in. 

Ultimately, it boils down to gathering as much info as possible and making a savvy call. Often, taking the plunge and purchasing the property can pay off in the long run.


Have questions, please let me know.

Choosing the best paint colors for selling your home

Picking the Perfect Paint Color for Selling Your Home

When you're getting your home ready to sell, giving it a fresh coat of paint, especially on the main floor, is a budget-friendly way to impress potential buyers. But what colors should you go for?

Here are some pointers.

Opt for neutral tones when selecting your color scheme. While bold, quirky colors might reflect your personality, it's crucial to appeal to a broad range of buyers. Neutrals like whites, grays, and beiges are not only safe choices but also allow buyers to imagine their own furniture and decorations in the space.
But don't mistake neutral for dull. 

There are plenty of subtle hues that can add richness and personality to a room. For instance, a gentle gray with a touch of blue can create a tranquil and calming atmosphere, perfect for bathrooms or bedrooms.

The living room and kitchen often serve as the heart of the home, so warmer neutrals can help these areas feel inviting. Colors like taupe or a creamy off-white can make these spaces cozy yet adaptable.

Lastly, consider the impact of lighting. The way a color looks can vary significantly under different lighting conditions. Always test paint samples under various lighting setups before making your final decision.

let’s talk about maximizing your home's outdoor vibe!

Highlight the “Outdoor Living” Potential of your Home!

Outdoor living spaces have truly become the heart and soul of homes, even in the colder months. They serve as an extension of indoor living, providing a space for dining, entertaining, and relaxation. That’s why it’s crucial to showcase your home’s outdoor potential when listing it for sale.

Your garden sets the stage for potential buyers. A well-maintained, vibrant garden can leave a lasting impression. Keep it lush and inviting with a variety of plants that bloom throughout the season. Consider using containers or raised beds for easy upkeep, and opt for subtle garden decor to accentuate the natural beauty of the space.

Moving on to your patio or deck – it’s like an outdoor living room waiting to be enjoyed. Dress it up to impress potential buyers with comfortable, weather-resistant furniture. Adding some ambient lighting, such as string lights or solar lanterns, creates a cozy atmosphere for evening gatherings.

And let’s not forget about your barbecue or outdoor kitchen area. A well-equipped and tidy cooking space can be a major selling point. Ensure all appliances are in good working condition to showcase its full potential.

Lastly, even simple outdoor setups like lawn chairs can enhance the appeal of your home. The key is to create an inviting atmosphere, regardless of the size of the space.

One final tip: If you’re listing your home during the winter months, be sure to include photographs of your outdoor space in warmer weather, preferably during the summer. These images will help potential buyers envision the full potential of your outdoor oasis.

Don't miss out on a potential homebuyer by being inflexible!

The Power of Flexibility: Maximizing Opportunities in Real Estate Showings**

In the fast-paced world of real estate, flexibility can often be the key to success. Whether you're selling your home or representing a client, being open to accommodating requests for showings can make all the difference. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of being flexible with showing requests and how setting specific times for showings can help maximize opportunities while minimizing disruptions.

**1. Accommodating Busy Schedules**

Life doesn't stop when you're selling a home. Work, family commitments, and personal obligations can all interfere with your availability for showings. By being flexible and blocking off specific times when you're unavailable, you can still accommodate potential buyers while maintaining control over your schedule. Whether it's setting aside weekday evenings or designating certain hours on weekends, establishing clear boundaries ensures that you can balance selling your home with other priorities.

**2. Setting Start and End Times**

In addition to blocking off specific time slots, setting start and end times for each day can streamline the showing process. By clearly defining when your home is available for viewings, you can manage expectations and minimize disruptions to your daily routine. Whether it's opening your home for morning showings before heading to work or scheduling afternoon appointments after picking up the kids from school, setting clear boundaries ensures that you're in control of the showing process.

**3. Maximizing Opportunities**

One of the most significant benefits of being flexible with showing requests is the potential to maximize opportunities. Real estate moves quickly, and missing out on a showing could mean missing out on a potential buyer. By being open to accommodating requests, you increase the likelihood of attracting serious buyers and securing offers. Whether it's adjusting your schedule at the last minute or making concessions to accommodate specific preferences, being flexible can pay off in the long run.

**4. Avoiding Missed Opportunities**

On the flip side, failing to be flexible with showing requests can result in missed opportunities. Buyers have busy schedules too, and if they can't view your home when it's convenient for them, they may move on to other properties. By being rigid and unwilling to accommodate requests, you risk limiting your pool of potential buyers and prolonging the selling process. In today's competitive market, flexibility is often the key to staying ahead of the competition.

In conclusion, flexibility is a powerful tool in the world of real estate showings. By being open to accommodating requests, setting specific times for showings, and maximizing opportunities, you can attract serious buyers and secure offers quickly. Whether you're selling your home or representing a client, being flexible can make all the difference in achieving a successful sale. So, embrace flexibility, and watch as your real estate goals become a reality.

Ask me for details on how I can assist you with working with your schedule!
Is it worth considering an over priced house?

Considering a 🏡 home listed above its market value? 

Picture this: You come upon a house for sale in a desirable neighborhood, only to find out it's priced significantly higher than similar homes in the area. Is it worth your time? 🤔

Well, there are a few reasons why sellers might aim high. Perhaps the property has exceptional features like a spacious backyard or a renovated basement that justify the premium. Alternatively, the seller might be banking on the hope that a higher listing price will attract better offers (though this strategy doesn't always pan out).

Regardless, it might still be worth taking a closer look, especially if the home meets most of your criteria. If the extra perks justify the higher price and they're important to you, it could be worth considering.

But what if the inflated price doesn't reflect the home's true value? In that case, chances are the property will eventually sell for closer to its actual market value, regardless of the initial listing. So, if you make an offer based on what the home is really worth, you might stand a chance. 💰

In summary, these kinds of listings often warrant further investigation. Don't hesitate to schedule a viewing appointment and see for yourself! 📅🔍

Enhance your homes curb appeal

Enhance Your Home's Curb Appeal Without Overspending

The first impression of your home significantly influences potential buyers as they approach your property. The good news is that enhancing your home's curb appeal need not be an expensive or arduous task. Here are straightforward and cost-effective suggestions to elevate your home's external appearance:

1.    Apply a New Coat of Paint: Refreshing your home's exterior with a new layer of paint is one of the most impactful yet inexpensive upgrades you can make. Opt for a color that aligns with your home's architectural features and the surrounding environment.

2.    Revitalize the Front Door: As the focal point of your home's exterior, the front door warrants special attention. Consider painting it an eye-catching color, replacing it with a contemporary design, or even just updating the hardware like the doorknob and knocker.

3.    Incorporate Outdoor Lighting: Installing external lighting serves dual purposes: it enhances your home's curb appeal and also contributes to safety and security. Solar-powered pathway lights, wall-mounted fixtures, or string lights on the front porch are all excellent options.

4.    Modernize the Mailbox: An outdated mailbox can detract from your home's overall aesthetic. Consider replacing it with a more modern version or rejuvenating your existing mailbox with a fresh coat of paint.

5.    Invest in Landscaping: A well-maintained lawn and carefully chosen plants can significantly boost your home's exterior charm. Add colorful blooms or potted plants to your front porch for an extra touch of elegance.

6.    Pressure Wash Driveways and Sidewalks: Over time, driveways and sidewalks accumulate dirt and grime. Consider renting a pressure washer or hiring professionals to restore these areas to their former cleanliness.

Rental cash damming information for real estate investors

Here is a guest post from Erica Vincelli, Mortgage Broker.

Rental Cash Damming! 

Amid housing affordability crises and stories pitting greedy corporate landlords against struggling tenants, it’s tempting to make assumptions that disqualify you from rental property investing entirely. Too rich, too ruthless, too risky, too much.

But if you look closer at many mom-and-pop landlords, you’ll see that countless everyday Canadians utilize creative optimizations to finance their first investments on modest incomes and unlock sustainable paths to financial stability without exploiting vulnerable renters to turn profits.

The key to cracking the wealth-building code lies in rethinking conventional wisdom that investing always involves large capital influxes upfront. Strategically structured financing, not piles of existing cash, unlocks growth. Through purposeful education and contingency planning, nearly anyone who is willing to learn can carve out a personal niche within the wide arena of real estate investing the way that works for them.

Approaches like rental cash damming enable everyday investors to ease initial negative cash flows on investment properties without requiring additional income. Simply optimizing existing debts and income streams that you already have at your disposal grants you breathing room during uncertain times.

For example, cash damming works by applying rental income strategically to rapidly pay down your mortgage held on your primary residence. Freed equity then gets borrowed back to cover new property carrying costs rather than pulling further from your savings or forcing you to find cash where it simply does not exist.

Once your debts are set up for efficiency, the markets handle the rest – rents gradually increase, assets appreciate, and ladders appear, allowing you to climb the next rung by accessing accrued equity. Lather, rinse, repeat!

Each stage simultaneously builds lasting foundations and sets the table for the next decade’s possibilities for growth. Meanwhile, you get to focus on your career, family, and community with one eye, tending passively to your portfolio as needed rather than burning nights and weekends stressing about all of the moving parts.

This orchestration certainly takes careful planning and reliance on the long play rather than short-term profits. But its sustainable self-funding cycle is available to anyone who is willing to take the time to understand the recipe.

While the learning curve feels steep at first, the payoff will ultimately culminate over years, not days. So be patient with yourself, absorbing concepts that may seem mysteriously exclusive at first glance.

You can take control of your financial future into your own hands, and you can do so using real estate as a tool on your own terms. You just have to know where to look and lean into the guidance of professionals you trust. So, if you’re sick of waiting for the future to make itself brighter, 

Click on the image below to learn about rental cash damming:

Rental Cash Damming

Sometimes, more is less!

You don't always have to undertake a big, expensive renovation to make a HUGE impact.

Be Realistic!

July 18th Tuesday Tip!

We sometimes forget, that the first house our parents had, wasn't the house that they are in now, when we are ready to buy. They either renovated their current home over time, or they have moved as their financial situation and needs changed.

So, if you are a first time buyer, set your expectations to your current situation. You can renovate over time, and you can change homes when the time is right!

Get In Touch

Steve Sicard REALTOR® | SRES®

Mobile: (613) 853-5807

Phone: (613) 369-5199


Office Info

Right at Home Realty Brokerage

14 Chamberlain Ave Suite 101  Ottawa,  Ontario  K1S 1V9 

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